How I make banger SFX with no cost

and where you can get 204gb of high quality sounds without selling your kidney


I’m gonna show you how I made this meteor strike sound effect:

To kick things off, you can go to this link to download 204 GIGABYTES of high quality sound fx that are completely royalty free.

Royalty-free usually = low quality garbage. But this is a welcome exception.

pssst, use qbittorrent for the download.

Now that we’ve got our sample library kickstarted, what next?

Use a DAW like REAPER to setup a searchable database for all your downloaded samples.

I used this series to learn the basics of it.

Now that the DB is setup, we can bash together a sound effect by searching through it.

For example, to create the meteor crash sound, I just searched for ‘explosion’

And then layered a bunch of stuff together to get it feeling right.

Congrats. You’ve now got the power to create whatever you want and have it not sound like an 8-bit indie game.

Happy game-deving lads!
